
Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Islamic Coins Of This 21st Century (2012)

These are First Islamic coins of this century after a very long time. the malaysian kelentan govt has issued and take a very brave and religious step towards true islamic money. All other Muslim Nations around the globe have must to choose true income and money by the rules of Islam not by fake paper money

According to Islamic Law...

The Islamic Dinar is a specific weight of 22k gold (917.) equivalent to 4.25 grams.

The Islamic Dirham is a specific weight of pure silver equivalent to 3.0 grams.

Umar Ibn al-Khattab established the known standard relationship between them based on their weights: "7 dinars must be equivalent to 10 dirhams."

"The Revelation undertook to mention them and attached many judgements to them, for example zakat, marriage, and hudud, etc., therefore within the Revelation they have to have a reality and specific measure for assessment [of zakat, etc.] upon which its judgements may be based rather than on the non-shari'i [other coins].

Know that there is consensus [ijma] since the beginning of Islam and the age of the Companions and the Followers that the dirham of the shari'ah is that of which ten weigh seven mithqals [weight of the dinar] of gold. . . The weight of a mithqal of gold is seventy-two grains of barley, so that the dirham which is seven-tenths of it is fifty and two-fifths grains. All these measurements are firmly established by consensus." Ibn Khaldun, Al-Muqaddimah

How are the Islamic dinar used?

1.- The Islamic Dinar can be used to save because they are wealth in themselves.

2.- They are used to pay zakat and dowry as they are requisite within Islamic Law.

3.- They are used to buy and sell since they are a legitimate medium of exchange.

Kelantan Islamic Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham

Recent Islamic currency issued by the Government of Kelantan

The World Islamic Mint with the Government of Kelantan has recently issued new Islamic currency in the form of an 8 dinar and 10 Dirham piece, as shown below.

Malaysia has done a very beautiful work and they are going towards Totally islamic money. Masha-Allah. Our so called Muslim-Govts have to demolish fake paper money and try to introduce again the true ISLAMIC MONEY.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Salaat-e-Tauba صلاۃ توبہ

صلاۃ توبہ

نماز توبہ كيسے ادا كى جاتى ہے، اور اس كى كتنى ركعات ہيں، اور كيا يہ عصر كے بعد ادا كى جا سكتى ہے ؟

:الحمد للہ

اللہ سبحانہ و تعالى كى اس امت پر رحمت ہے كہ اس نے توبہ كا دروازہ كھلا ركھا ہے، اور يہ توبہ كا دروازہ اس وقت تك بند نہيں ہوگا جب تك روح نرخرے تك نہ پہنچ جائے، يا پھر سورج مغرب كى جانب سے طلوع نہ ہو جائے

اسى طرح اس امت پر اللہ تعالى كى يہ بھى رحمت ہے كہ اس نے ان كے ليے سب افضل ترين عبادات مشروع كى ہيں، جنہيں اللہ تعالى اپنے اللہ كے ليے وسيلہ بناتا ہے، اور اپنى توبہ كى قبوليت كى اميد ركھتا ہے جو كہ نماز توبہ ہے، اور ذيل ميں اس كے متعلقہ چند ايك مسائل پيش كيے جاتے ہيں

1 - نماز توبہ كى مشروعيت:

نماز توبہ كى مشروعيت پر اہل علم كا اجماع ہے

ابو داود رحمہ اللہ نے سنن ابو داود ميں ابو بكر صديق رضى اللہ تعالى عنہ سے روايت كيا ہے، وہ بيان كرتے ہيں كہ ميں نے رسول كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كو يہ فرماتے ہوئے سنا

 جو كوئى بندہ بھى كوئى گناہ كرے اور پھر اچھى طرح وضوء كر كے دو ركعت نماز ادا كرے، اور پھر اللہ تعالى سے بخشش طلب كرے تو اللہ تعالى اسے بخش ديتا ہے، پھر نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم نے يہ آيت تلاوت فرمائى

 اور جب ان سے كوئى فحش كام ہو جائےن يا كوئى گناہ كر بيٹھيں تو فورا اللہ كا ذكر،اور اپنے گناہوں كے ليے استغفار كرتے ہيں، يقينا اللہ تعالى كے سوا كون گناہوں كو بخش سكتا ہے ؟ اور وہ لوگ باوجود علم كے كسى برے كام پر اصرار نہيں كرتے 

سنن ابو داود حديث نمبر ( 1521 ) علامہ البانى رحمہ اللہ نے اس حديث كو صحيح ابو داود ميں صحيح كہا ہے

اور مسند احمد ميں ابو درداء رضى اللہ تعالى عنہ سے مروى ہے وہ بيان كرتے ہيں ميں نے رسول كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كو فرماتے ہوئے سنا

 جو شخص اچھى طرح پورا وضوء كر كے پھر دو يا چار ركعت ( راوى كو شك ہے ) اچھى طرح خشوع و خضوع اور اللہ كے ذكر سے ادا كرتا اور پھر اللہ تعالى سے بخشش طلب كرتا ہے تو اللہ تعالى اسے بخش ديتا ہے 

مسند احمد كے محققين كہتے ہيں: اس كى سند حسن ہے، اور علامہ البانى رحمہ اللہ نے سلسلۃ الاحاديث الصحيحۃ حديث نمبر ( 3398 ) ميں اسے صحيح قرار ديا ہے

2 - نماز توبہ كا سبب:

نماز توبہ كا سبب مسلمان شخص كا معصيت و نافرمانى كا مرتكب ہونا ہے، چاہے گناہ كبيرہ ہو يا صغيرہ، تو اس سے اسے فورا توبہ كرنى چاہيے، اور اس كے ليے يہ دو ركعت ادا كرنى مندوب ہيں، اور پھر اسے توبہ كے وقت اللہ كا قرب حاصل كرنے كے ليے كوئى اچھا اور نيك عمل كرنا چاہيے، اور ان اعمال صالحہ ميں سب سے زيادہ افضل نماز ہے، تو اس نماز كو اللہ تعالى كے ہاں اپنا وسيلہ بنا كر يہ اميد ركھنى چاہيے كہ اللہ تعالى اس كى توبہ قبول فرمائيگا، اور اس كے گناہ بخش دےگا

3 - نماز توبہ كا وقت:

مسلمان شخص جب كسى گناہ سے توبہ كرنے كا عزم كر چكے تو اسے اس وقت نماز توبہ ادا كر كے توبہ كرنى چاہيے، اور يہ اس گناہ كے فورا بعد ہو يا دير كے ساتھ اس ميں كوئى فرق نہيں، گنہگار شخص پر واجب ہوتا ہے كہ وہ توبہ كرنے ميں جلدى كرے، ليكن اگر وہ توبہ ميں تاخيركرتا ہے، يا پھر يہ كہے كہ توبہ كر لونگا، اور بعد ميں توبہ كر لى تو اس كى توبہ قبول ہو جاتى ہے، كيونكہ توبہ اس وقت تك قبول ہوتى ہے جب تك درج ذيل امور ميں سے كوئى ايك چيز نہ ہو جائے

1 - جب روح نرخرہ تك پہنچ جائے يعنى نرخرہ بجنے لگے تو توبہ قبول نہيں ہوتى

نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كا فرمان ہے

 يقينا اللہ تعالى بندے كى توبہ اس وقت تك قبول كرتا ہے جب تك ا سكا نرخرہ بجنا نہ شروع ہو 

علامہ البانى نے صحيح ترمذى حديث نمبر ( 3537 ) ميں اسے حسن قرار ديا ہے

2 - جب سورج مغرب سے طلوع ہو جائے تو توبہ قبول نہيں ہو گى

نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كا فرمان ہے

 جس نے بھى سورج مغرب كى جانب سے طلوع ہونے سے قبل توبہ كر لى اللہ تعالى اس كى توبہ قبول كرتا ہے 

صحيح مسلم حديث نمبر 

اور يہ نماز ہر وقت ادا كرنى مشروع ہے، اس ميں ممنوعہ اوقات ( مثلا نماز عصر كے بعد ) بھى شامل ہيں، كيونكہ يہ نماز ان نمازوں ميں شامل ہوتى ہے جو كسى سبب كى بنا پرادا كى جاتى ہے، تو اس كے سبب كے وجود كى بنا پر نماز ادا كرنى مشروع ہو گى

شيخ الاسلام ابن تيميہ رحمہ اللہ كہتے ہيں

 اسباب والى نمازوں كو اگر ممنوعہ وقت سے مؤخر كيا گيا تو وہ فوت ہو جائينگى، يعنى رہ جائينگى، مثلا: سجدہ تلاوت، اور تحيۃ المسجد سورج گرہن كى نماز، اور تحيۃ الوضوء كى دو ركعتيں، جيسا كہ بلال رضى اللہ عنہ كى حديث ميں ہے، اور اسى طرح نماز استخارہ اگر كسى شخص كو استخارہ كى ضرورت ہو اور اسے مؤخر كيا جائے تو وہ رہ جائيگا، اور اسى طرح نماز توبہ، تو جب گناہ كرے تو اس پر فورا توبہ كرنا واجب ہے، اور اس كے ليے مندوب ہے كہ وہ دو ركعت ادا كر كے توبہ كرے، جيسا كہ ابو بكر رضى اللہ تعالى عنہ كى حديث ميں آيا ہے  انتہى

ديكھيں: مجموع فتاوى ابن تيميہ  23 / 215 

4 - نماز توبہ دو ركعت ہيں، جيسا كہ ابو بكر صديق رضى اللہ تعالى عنہ كى حديث ميں آيا ہے

اور توبہ كرنے والے كے ليے اكيلے اور خلوت ميں نماز توبہ ادا كرنا مشروع ہے، كيونكہ يہ ان نوافل ميں سے ہے جن كى جماعت مشروع نہيں، اور اس كے بعد اس كے ليے استغفار كرنا مندوب ہے، اس ليے كہ ابو بكر رضى اللہ كى حديث سے ثابت ہے

اور نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم سے ان ركعتوں ميں كوئى مخصوص سورتيں پڑھنا اور مخصوص اذكار ثابت نہيں، اس ليے وہ جو چاہے قرآت كر سكتا ہے

اور نماز توبہ كے ساتھ توبہ كرنے والے كے ليے مستحب ہے كہ وہ نيك اور صالحہ اعمال كرے، كيونكہ اللہ سبحانہ و تعالى كا فرمان ہے

 اور ہاں يقينا ميں انہيں بخش دينے والا ہوں جو توبہ كريں اورايمان لائيں اور نيك عمل كريں، اور راہ راست پر بھى رہيں طہ:  82 

اور توبہ كرنے والے كے ليے نيك اور صالحہ اعمال ميں سب سے افضل عمل صدقہ ہے، كيونكہ صدقہ گناہوں كو مٹانے والے اسباب ميں سب سے بڑا اور عظيم عمل ہے

اللہ سبحانہ وتعالى كا فرمان ہے

 اگر تم صدقہ و خيرات ظاہر كرو تو وہ بھى اچھا ہے، اور اگر تم اسے پوشيدہ پوشيدہ مسكينوں كو دے دو تو يہ تمہارے حق ميں بہتر ہے، اللہ تعالى تمہارے گناہوں كو بخش دےگا 
البقرۃ:  271 

اور كعب بن مالك رضى اللہ تعالى عنہ سے ثابت ہے كہ جب اللہ تعالى نے ان كى توبہ قبول كى تو وہ كہنے لگے

اے اللہ تعالى كے رسول صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم ميرى توبہ ميں شامل ہے كہ ميں اپنا سارا مال اللہ اور اس كے رسول كے ليے صدقہ كردوں، تو رسول كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم نے فرمايا

" اپنا كچھ مال ركھ لو، يہ تمہارے ليے بہتر ہے "

تو وہ كہنے لگے: ميں اپنا خيبر والا حصہ روك ليتا ہوں 

متفق عليہ

تو خلاصہ يہ ہوا كہ

نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم سے نماز توبہ ثابت ہے

 يہ نماز مسلمان كے ليے مشروع ہے جب بھى وہ كوئى گناہ كرے اور اس سے توبہ كرنے ليے نماز توبہ ادا كرے، چاہے گناہ كبيرہ ہو يا صغيرہ اور چاہے گناہ كے فورا بعد توبہ ہو يا كچھ مدت گزرنے كے بعد

نماز توبہ ہر وقت ادا كى جا سكتى ہے، اس ميں ممنوعہ اوقات بھى شامل ہيں

 توبہ كرنے والے كے ليے نماز توبہ كے ساتھ ساتھ اللہ كے قرب والے دوسرے اعمال بھى كرنے مستحب ہيں، مثلا صدقہ وغيرہ

اللہ تعالى ہمارے نبى محمد صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم اور ا نكى آل اور ان كے صحابہ كرام پر اپنى رحمتيں نازل فرمائے

واللہ اعلم

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tilawat-e-Quran Ne Ek Communist Kay Aansu Baha Diye

                   تلاوت قرآن نے ایک کوممنسٹ کے آنسو بہا دئے

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fasting In The Month Of Shabaan

by ღ Dars e Rohaniyat ღ

Introduction :
It is admitted fact that every moment, second, minute, hour, day or night that is spent in the submission of Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet (SAW) is exceedingly meaningful and precious. But there are some days, nights and months which have their own weight and Allah, the compassionate, lays immense stress upon them to unveil their importance to people.

What is Shabaan ?
Among those months, those hold much importance is Sha’ban and the holy month of Ramadhan, The Holy Month of Sha’ban is one of the blessed months that holds much too for us from the mercy, compassion and kindness of Allah Almighty. Sha’ban is the name of the (eigth) month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and it is so called because in this month the Arabs used to disperse (tasha’aba) in search of water, or it was said that it is so called because it sha’aba (branches out or emerges) i.e., it appears between the months of Rajab and Ramadan.

Fasting Entire month of Shaban ?????
‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him – PBUH) used to fast until we thought he would never break his fast, and not fast until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting for an entire month except in Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more than he did in Sha’ban.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

She also narrated “Shaban was the most beloved month to Allah’s Prophet to fast in it till the beginning of Ramadan” [Declared Authentic by Al-Albani]

A group of scholars, including Ibn al-Mubarak and others, thought that the Prophet did not fast all of Sha’ban, but he fasted most of it. This is supported by a report in Saheeh Muslim narrated from ‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), who said: “I never knew of him – meaning the Prophet (PBUH) – fasting for any entire month apart from Ramadan.”

According to another report also narrated by Muslim, A’ishah said:“I never saw him fast for any entire month from the time he came to Madeenah, apart from Ramadan.”

It was reported in al-Bukhari and Muslim that Ibn ‘Abbas said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) did not fast any entire month apart from Ramadan.” Ibn ‘Abbas regarded it as makrooh (disliked) to fast any entire month apart from Ramadan. Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “He observed more voluntary fasts in Sha’ban than in any other month, and he used to fast most of Sha’ban.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Salat Time Calculation (Namaz/ Prayer/ Salah Timings)

by ღ Dars e Rohaniyat ღ 

I- FAJR (Morning Twilight) starts with the dawn and ends before sunrise

II- ZUHR (Noon) begins after Midday when the trailing limb of the sun has passed the meridian. For convenience add few minutes (5/Five) to mid-day (zawal) to obtain the start of ZUHR. ZUHR ends at the start of ASR time.

III- ASR (Afternoon) timing of depends on the length of the shadow cast by an object.

According to the Maliki, Shafi`i & Hanbali school of jurisprudence, ASR begins when the length of the shadow of an object exceeds the length of the object. (Length of any object's shadow equals the length of the object itself plus the length of that object's shadow at noon)

According to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, ASR begins when the length of the shadow exceeds TWICE the length of the object. (Length of any object's shadow is twice the length of the object plus the length of that object's shadow at noon)

ASR time ends at start of MAGHRIB time.

IV- MAGHRIB (Evening Twilight) begins at sunset and ends at the start of ISHA.

V- ISHA (Night) starts after dusk when the evening twilight disappears and end before time of FAJR.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kya Hazrat Ali (R.A) Ko Mola Ali Kehna Sahi Hai Ya Ghalat? Must Read

Objection: Calling Hazrat Ali (ra) "MOLA ALI Mushkil kusha" is shirk because Allah is the ONLY MOLA so if you call anyone MOLA, its shirk n Bid'ah.

Answer: Mola is arabic word which literally means Master/lord/chief and in quran/hadith its used as HELPER as well.
Ahl e Sunnah Wal Jama'ah seeks help through Mola Ali (ra) (& all other awlia) because Allah (swt) says in Quran,
یَا اَیُّہَا الَّذِینَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللّہَ وَابتَغُوالَیہِ الوَسِیلَۃَ 

- “O people of the faith! While Keeping the fear of God in the heart and ask help from the Medium (Waseelah)!!!!!

Hadith 1: عن البراء بن عازب رضي الله عنه, قال: أقبلنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم في حجته التي حج فنزل في بعض الطريق, فأمر الصلاة جامعة, فأخذ بيد علي رضي الله عنه, فقال: ألست أولى بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم ؟ قالوا: بلى. قال: ألست أولى بكل مؤمن من نفسه ؟ قالو ا بلى. قال: فهذا ولي من أنا مولاه, اللهم ! وال من والا ه اللهم! عاد من عاداه.

“Barā’ bin ‘Āzib (ra) narrates: We performed hajj with Allāh’ s Messenger (saw). On the way he stayed at a place and commanded us (to establish) the pr ayer in congregation. After this, he held ‘Alī’s hand, and said: Am I not nearer than the lives of the believer s? They replied: Why not! He said: Am I not near er than the life of every believer ? They replied: Why not! He said: One who has me as his master has this (‘Alī) as his guar dian. O Allāh! Befriend the one who befriends him and be the enemy of one who is his enemy.”

Ibn Mājah: Sound hadīth in preface (almuqaddimah) to his Sunan (1:88 # 116); Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāyah wan-nihāyah (4:168); Hindī, Kanz-ul-‘ummāl (11:602 # 32904); Ibn ‘Asākir, Tārīkh Dimashq al-kabīr (45:167, 168);Ibn ‘Abī‘Āsim briefly mentioned in as-Sunnah (p.603 # 1362).

Quran: Surah Tahreem: 4 فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ مَوْلَاهُ وَجِبْرِيلُ وَصَالِحُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ ظَهِيرٌ "So surely Allah is the One Who is his MOLA and Jibril (Gabriel) is his MOLA and the most pious believers and after them (all) angels too are (his) MOLA."

In hadith above (& many others), RasoolAllah (Saw) himself declared Syedna Mola Ali (kaw) the MOLA for the entire ummah in very clear wordings. 

Read Arabic wordings of the above mentioned ayah of Quran, Allah (swt) calls himself MOLA, declared JIBRIL MOLA, declared Pious beleivers MOLA and all the angels are MOLA TOO!!

I am hoping by now you can compare what you've been taught and what Quran/Sahih hadith says about Syedna MOLA Ali (ra). If calling MOLA ALI (ra)..... SHIRK then Naudhubillah Sahaba kram (ra), RasoolAllah (saw) and Allah (awj) himself are teaching SHIRK-E-Azeem in Quran/hadith!!!!! (Naudhubillah min dhalik)

Last but not least, People who have the above objection doesnt have a problem calling Syedna Siddique Akbar (ra).....Siddique AKBAR. For argument sake, didnt the same thought crossed their mind that "ONLY ALLAH is AKBAR"? & if we accept the above mentioned ideology, calling Syedna Abi Bakr Siqqidue AKBAR should be shirk too? (Naudhubillah)

BTW, I dont have problem with Syedna Abi Bakr Siddique (ra) calling Siddique Akbar because RasoolAllah (Saw) himself called him that & he is indeed the greatest friend EVER! The BEST in the ummah! I'd die happily if I could be khadim of one of his khuddam for the rest of my life. Fidaka umi wa abi ya Abi Bakr as-siddique(ra)

Siddique Akbar means The greatest friend. Mola Mushkil Kusha means The helper in solving problems. 

As per the above mentioned Quranic Ayah, if Awlia/Jibreel/Angels can be MOLA, why NOT Ali (ra)? Clearly they dont include him in their PIOUS BELIVERS LIST! 

Its time, one should evaluate his own state of mind instead of labelling others KAFIR/MUSHRIK!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Miracle of Tawaf and Zamzam

Pilgrim from Somalia has regained his ability to hear and speak after 29 years

 MAKKAH: In what a doctor described as a miracle, a pilgrim from Somalia has regained his ability to hear and speak some 29 years after he lost both senses when he was shot during the turbulence in his homeland.

Ali Abdula Rahman Sharif said his hearing and speaking abilities started to appear gradually Saturday after he finished Tawaf Al- Qudoom, the first circling of Holy Ka’ba, and drank Zamzam water.

He said that about 29 years ago, when he was working as an accounting manager, he was shot during the civil war in his country and lost his ability to speak and hear.He decided to move to Great Britain, where he consulted a number of specialist doctors, but they told him there was no hope and that he would never hear or speak again.“I decided not to go back to Somalia, the place where I lost those very precious senses, and lived in Britain with my wife and my four sons,” he said.

“I have benefited a lot from the special centers and societies for disabled people and learned the sign and body languages. The authorities at those centers also provided me with an identity card for disabled people to facilitate communicating with others.”

“Alhamdolillah, now I don’t need such a card. After I finished my Tawaf around Ka’ba, the most sacred figure in the world, I removed my Ihram and drank some cups of Zamam water. Then I headed toward the WC area in the southern piazzas of Grand Mosque. After I went out of the WC area, I was shocked when I could hear the voice of the muezzin calling for Fajr (dawn) prayer. I hurriedly rushed toward my colleagues and mates in the group and told them ‘I can hear. I can hear.’ I could notice the mixture of extreme surprise and happiness on their faces,” he said.

Abdul Samad Muhammad, Director of the Haj Mission, said he was totally surprised to see Sharif speaking and hearing.

Muhammad pointed out that during the journey from Britain to Jeddah, Sharif was used to write down when he wanted to communicate with the flight attendants. “I could not believe what happened until I personally listened to Sharif talking and communicating with me and the others like any normal person,” he said.

“We took him to Ajyad Hospital in Makkah to check his hearing and speaking and the doctors diagnosed them as very normal and healthy.

”Dr. Mohammad Ghazali, an ENT specialist, said this is a very rare case, a miracle and the will of Allah. “Some deaf patients can retrieve their sense of hearing within no more than six months, but Sharif’s case is very unique,” Ghazali added.

Courtesy: Saudi Gazette (

Lets See What You Find Down Under..

Something Surprising For You :)

Scared???  :P


The Six Kalmas In Islam

Kalimas In IslamThe Kalimahs came into existence to facilitate the easy memorising and learning of Aqeedah (beliefs). It has no Shar’ee compulsion as far as its memorising is concerned. When they came into existence is not known.

A true Muslim is someone who is completely aware of the meaning of the Kalima, proclaims it with sincerity and devotion, and acts and lives in accordance to its requirements.

  • Kalima-e-Tayyabah (Word of Purity)

Pronunciation: Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadur-Rasoolu-llaah

Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

  • Kalima-e-Shahaadat (Word of Testimony)

Pronunciation: Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu.

Translation: I bear witness that none is worthy of worship but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

  • Kalima-e-Tamjeed (Word of Glorification)

Pronunciation: Subhaana-llaahi Walhamdu Lillaahi Walaaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wallaahu Akbar. Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi-l 'Aliyyil 'Azeem.

Translation: Glory be to Allah and praise to Allah and there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. And there is no might or power except with Allah, the Exalted, the Great One.

  • Kalima-e-Tauhid (Word of Unification)

Pronunciation: Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka-lahoo Lahu-l Mulku Walahu-l Hamdu Yuhyee Wayumeetu Wahuwa Hayyu-l Laa Yamootu Abadan Abada. Dhu-l Jalaali Wal Ikraam. Biyadihil Khair. Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shai-'in Qadeer.

Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. To Him belongs the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. In His hand is all good and He has power over everything.

  • Kalima-e-Astaghfar (Word of Penitence)

Pronunciation: Astaghfiru-llaaha Rabbi Min Kulli Dhambin Adhnabtuhoo 'Amadan Aw Khata-an Sirran Aw 'Alaaniyata-wn Wa-atoobu Ilaihi Min-adh Dhambi-l Ladhee A'lamu Wamina-dh Dhambi-l Ladhi Laaa A'lamu Innaka Anta 'Allaamu-l Ghuyoobi Wasattaaru-l 'Uyoobi Wa Ghaffaaru-dh Dhunubi Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi-l 'Aliyyil 'Azeem.

Translation: I seek forgiveness from Allah, who is my Creator and Cheriser, from every sin I committed knowingly or unknowingly, secretly or openly. I also seek His forgiveness for all sins which I am aware of or am not aware of. Certainly You (O Allah!), are the Knower of the hidden and the Concealer of mistakes and the Forgiver of sins. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.

  • Kalima-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (Word of Rejection of Disbelief)

Pronunciation: Allaa-humma Inneee A'udhu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika Shay-awn Wa-ana A'lamu Bihee Wa-astaghfiruka Limaa Laaa A'lamu Bihee Tubtu 'Anhu Wata-barraatu Mina-l Kufri Wash-shirki Wal-kidhbi Wal-gheebati Wal-bid'ati Wan-nameemati Wal-fawahishi Wal-buhtaani Wal-m'aasi Kulli-haa Wa-Aslamtu Wa-aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadu-r Rasoolu-llah.

Translation: O Allah! Certainly I seek protection with You from, that I associate partner with You anything and I know it. And I seek forgiveness from You for that I do not know it. I repended from it and I made myself free from disbelief and polytheism and the falsehood and the back-biting and the innovation and the tell-tales and the bad deeds and the blame and the disobedience, all of them. And I submit and I say (there is) none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.